Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Instagtam, Flipagram and Screencast


I enjoyed exploring screencast with Screencast-o-matic, I found it easy to use and thought of many ideas how I could use this application. I could create a library prelesson to share with the students before introducing them to a new concept. I could also make videos for my staff for professional development or videos they could share with their students before they come in the library. I made a few screencasts of reading a book. I am hoping to put at least one on our Facebook page so the students can listen to a storytime with Ms. Pierson McCarty. I also creating a screencast reading from one of our database books. Using a screencast to demonstrate to students how to use the library catalog was fun to develop as well. The only trouble I had was trying to embedded the video straight from screen-o-matic to my blog, the embedded link was not working correctly. The video quality is not great when shooting with a web cam. I also tried to embed them by downloading an MP4 which was one of the options given by Screen-o-matic. The only way that work for me was to upload them to YouTube and embed them from there to my blog. Here are some examples of my screencasts:


Instragam was familiar to me and I had dual accounts before but it had been awhile.  I had to google how to add another account but it was relatively  easy to do.  I liked the different ideas given to our class by my professor and the materials I read.  Documenting plants growth was something I hadn't thought of prior.  I post many pictures on Facebook about the activity in the library and believe that Instagram would serve well in that purpose.  I am not sure about my district's policy but will explore it further.  I believe that parents particularly at the age of the students I serve want to see their kids and like to connect with the school. I have already added pictures of the staff lunch the last day of school to my new library account.  I would recommend Instagram to librarians and teachers for connection with parents, community and students.  It is easily to use and most everyone has a Instagram account.  I will incorporate Instagram to my library social media presence.

My Instrgram account: https://www.instagram.com/msmlovesbooks/


Flipagram was not a favorite application I examined.  It was not difficult to connect to Instagram and add pictures.  The problem I had was adding audio to my pictures.  I added many pictures but when I shared them as a video from Flipagram to Instagram, I had to shorten it to 60 seconds. Also, I had to work with the text several times before it fit the frame after sharing it to Instagram. I did like the video feature of Flipagram but the time spent outweighed the productivity of the application.   I feel that Instagram has many features that I am familiar with and other applications are a bit easier to use.  I will probably not use Flipagram much in the future.

Here is the embedded video from Flipagram from my Instagram account:

My favorite new techonlogy/app was the Screencast,  I enjoyed all the new ways I can implement it into my library program and will share with my staff during professional development.  I can see more applications for Instagram and will share ideas via a Smore with staff during PD as well.


  1. I agree that screencasts are a great way to share ideas and technology with staff and students. I was able to embed the screencast-o-matic into blogger, but it took a while to download....plus, the look in blogger before it gets played is grainy. I also like Instagram....it's quick and easy to share and promote library happenings to parents and students.

  2. Great idea of using screencasts to create a book read for students. The videos really help assist students with navigating the library catalog. Instagram can be a great tool to advertise events at the library. However, I am still unsure about using this for elementary students, since we have rules about cellphone use etc.

  3. I loved the idea of using screencast to read books to your students during the summer. I might have to try that out next summer! Thanks for sharing!

  4. I liked your Flipogram video. I had a hard time coming up with material to record since summer school is over and not being in the library I had no previously taken pictures.

  5. I learned a lot from this module. I never had an instagram account before. Your post is very encouraging for continuing to familiarize myself with it and explore how I can be use it in education. I start by setting up another account as you described.

  6. Cynthia,
    Instagram is a great resource for the classroom and library. I know that elementary parents love to see what's going on with their child's classroom and education. We have a teacher at our campus that posts an instagram and twitter post a day. She shares it with her parents as Day 1, Day 100, Day 125 etc. It's really fun to see how much the kids have changed from day 1 to the end of school. This is a great resource for the library as well to show off all of the great learning that is going on there.
